
I normally blog late at night, reflecting on my day or on news stories. But I am currently re-reading "Renovation of the Heart" by Dallas Willard. I stumbled across this quote by Nouwen that I had to put up on here. Enjoy:

"Self-rejection is the greatest enemy of the spiritual life because it contradicts the sacred voice that calls us the Beloved. Being Beloved constitutes the core truth of our existence."

Willard comments:

"Self-rejection is, ultimatley, our soul's reproach to God, deriving from false images of himself and his world."


Anonymous said…
Oldman here...first of all thanks for answering my last question and good luck finding funding.I too am following the story on the finding of Christ's tomb.I do not believe anything like this unless PROOF BEYOND DOUBT can be provided, but as a hypothetical how would it affect your belief it it could indeed be proven that Jesus was just a GOOD man with a family, and not the son of God?
Anonymous said…
Well that pretty much destroys everything about Christianity I would think... it is sort of vital that Jesus be the Son of God, have died and been resurrected to save us for our sins. If he was a normal guy, he could not have risen from the dead, so humanity would be, err, screwed.
My thoughts anyways. Santosh can be more helpful.
Gaspard de Coligny II

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