Cancer Kills

Caught between the lights.

I know someone who is dying of cancer. I mean... really dying - like weeks or months to live. His wife was one of my professors in seminary. His kids were in the youth group that I used to work at. I like his kids a lot.

Both his sons are graduating this year - one from high-school, and another from University. His only wish is that he gets to see them both graduate before he dies.

Man - that sucks. It makes me overwhelemed with sorrow whenever I think about it. And the thing is - this man is so nice. He is kind and gentle and humble like no one else I have ever known. And... he's going to die.... soon.


The question erupts from wherenver I keep it buried.
Flashbacks to when Stan Grenz died.
But I'm just the latest in a long line of people who wrestle with this question - just read Psalm 73 and Job.
And many many more will ask it after I'm long gone.
And the thing is we will never get adequate answers in this life, which is a bit maddening.

Please pray for my friend and his family as they traverse the valley of the shadow of death.


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