Babel On

Felicia and I finally saw Babel tonight - What a colossal waste of time. It had its moments, but the pace was so slow. There was a few stand out performances - especially from Adriana Barraza. Brad Pitt also showed us he can act, hearkening back to such performances as in 12 Monkeys and Snatch.

Driving - I drove to interns last night out in Surrey, and was reminded of why I hate driving. I got completely lost, both going there and coming back.

Got to catch up with Dr. Loeppky and his lovely wife Carla last night. We went to a local pub and chatted about old times.

I just finished reading Hebrews in my devotions today - I took a class in Bible school - I would love to take another class at a graduate level. It is basically about the supremacy of Christ.

Last night we had a discussion about the low level of discipleship and commitment preached in contemporary North American evangelicalism. I made the comment that if we have been preaching a "Christianity lite" for the past 30 years, then we are reaping what we have sown. Which is that the lives of evangelicals do not look significantly different then our non believing friends. Our rates of divorce and the levels of consumerism are identical. God help us to start preaching and living the high demands of the gospel.

My blogging may be sporadic this week. We are heading down to Oregon for a holiday. Going to hit a couple of emerent churches in Portland - noticeably Imago Dei. Then on Sunday - Friday we will be staying at a hotel on Cannon Beach - I am unsure about internet connection there.


Jessie Cherian said…
Watch the 'Pursuit of Happyness.' I thought it was quite inspiring in its own way..

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