Christ and the Cynics

Went to Regent Library yesterday to get some Ephesians commentaries. Took Adam with me. He ran through the aisles and hid here and there.

He found this huge bright yellow book entitled "Christ and the Cynics" - it looks like someone's masters or doctoral dissertation. I opened it up and it had typewriter font, which is usually indicative of it being a dissertation.

Adam insisted on getting this book for Mom. So along with my books we got this huge yellow book written by some grad student somewhere about Christ's interaction w. 1st Century Cynics. Good read.

I was out running some errands today. The weather has just been nasty and it finally happened - the wind caught my umbrella and it hit me in the head.

My own umbrella attacked me.

Worked on my sermon for most of the day. Eph. 2:1-10.


Anonymous said…
Oldman here If you were affected by Al Gore it is only fair that you watch what wasn't said by the very scientists that did Al Gore's documentary..A little knowlwdge is danferous...let me know what you think..just follow the link...
Anonymous said…
I watched the documentary and it was definitely compelling. Thanks for the link. Everyone should take the time to watch this, take the time to hear the other side.
Anonymous said…
A Little knowledge is a dangerous thing - very true Oldman.

The claims contained in the documentary, The Great Global Warming Swindle, have also been widely criticised.
Anonymous said…
Thanks--another good site. Two sides, two stories. Hard to cut through the spin, dissembling, prevarication, misrepresentation, infinitum. Makes me think of Pilate: What is truth?
Anonymous said…
Oldman here..Thanks Alberto for the further link.I suppose with all sides trying to claim the truth that we will all just have to wait and see.Kind of frightening because it is not us but our children and our children's children that will eventually know the answer...we can only hope that the answer they find is onje they can live with..till then the debate will continue and the funding will flow and the scientists will be employed

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