It's just a shot away...

The song "Gimme Shelter" has been used by Martin Scorsese in all 3 of his "gangster" films: Goodfellas, Casino and the most recent, The Departed.

In anticipation for the Stones concert this Friday (which has now been postponed until the 25th because Mick's doctor told him to rest his throat) I have been listening to a lot of Stones. As I was walking down Nelson this afternoon, the familiar Gimme Shelter was in my ears. There was some construction ahead of me, with smoke pouring out of a machine - it seemed to fit the ominious tones of this song.

This was one of those days where I packed a lot in and came home fairly wasted. Still found the energy to take Adam trick or treating in his Frog outfit (which he hates).

IN Yaletown, since there are no real houses you can trick or treat at - just apts., all the local businesses give out candy - it was so cool to see all these kids trick or treating in all the stores which were all decorated up.

Adam was cold, and might be getting a cold, so he was pretty miserable during the whole escapade. Starbucks gave out hot chocolate - this seemed such an urban Vancouver thing! Trick or Treating at Starbucks!!!

I finished reading Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis - probably the 5th time I've read this amazing book. He is so succinct in his argumentation and presentation. For awhile I was reading this book every January as a re-affirmation of what I believe.

Books that have been primal in my conversion:

Mere Christianity - C.S. Lewis
Orthodoxy - G.K. Chesterton

Other books that have helped along in the journey:

Disappointment w. God - Yancey
Loving God - Colson
Renovation of the Heart - Willard
Exclusion and Embrace - Volf
Abolition of Man - C.S. Lewis
Pursuit of God - Tozer
Under the Unpredictable Plant - Eugene Peterson
Systematic Theology - Berkhoff
Calvin's Institutes - John Calvin
Confessions - Augustine
Blue Like Jazz - Donald Miller
Resident Aliens - Willimon/Hauerwas
Spiritual Depression - Martin Loyd jones
several by Henri Nouwen

ok - i got a ton more to add - will do it on another post


Nancy Jean said…
post a pic of adam in the frog outfit! :)
Anonymous said…
i think, njb, that the true desire of this blog's readership is a pic of ol' santy in his pantsman outfit. please, for the love of pete, rupert, and all that they stand for: bring pantsman back!

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