Here it goes...

So tomorrow is the big day. We have our first service at Bar None.

After months of prayer and fruitless phone calls and e-mails, one dream is finally being realized.

Sometimes I just can not believe it is happening. We are meeting in the most popular night club in Yaletown to hold a church service!!!!

This is so surreal. Thank you God for being so faithful to our stumbling, bumbling attempts to service you.

Please pray for us.

Or better yet join us if you are in Vancouver. Its at 6:30 tomorrow night at 1222 Hamilton Street just off of Davie.

I just finished my message on what gives meaning to life. I have to admit it looks pretty good. Pray that the Spirit empowers my words, so that they are more then just words travelling through the air - that they are LIFE from the Spirit.


ajt said…
Wow. That's GREAT. Gordon and I are in Calgary for my Dad's 75th birthday bash, but I'll be thinking of you today - especially as I'm at FAC this morning. (Can we think of a more perfect paradox? FAC and First @ Night at Bar None)

:) Hope it's a great opening. I'll pray for you today!
Anonymous said…
I'm curious - how did it go?!
Anonymous said…
I agree with Nancy... I want to know

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