Sick Day
First (and possibly last) service at Bar None.
I took the day off - sort of - ended up getting my photo taken for the globe and mail to go with a story about churches meeting in non-traditional spaces. Picked up a new video projector for first@night. Did some paper-work at the church - doesn't sound like a day off, after all! Still processing my thoughts and reactions. Big love to all of you who have given me suggestions on what to do and all of you who said you were praying - my inbox is overflowing!!!! I still feel pretty crummy when I think about it. At this point I don't think I am going to write an editorial or go after the reporter. It would just be coming from a dark place inside of me - it would be devoid of grace. I am praying that I can work something out with the club, but still need wisdom on how to do that. I have to come to terms that this was a major journalistic attack - a journalist who had a set agenda, set a trap and I fell into it. In my naivete and excitement at the event and the excitement of being in the paper, I was not as wise as I should have been. I still have difficult feelings towards the reporter that I need to work through - like forgiveness. There were a few people who gave me very wise counsel and I will e-mail you privately with my thanks. Anyways, the battle goes on. This was a set-back and a major one but I HAVE to believe that God is sovereign. I HAVE to believe that Jesus has won the war. It may be sometime until I get to claim victory in certain areas.
I live in the hope of the eschaton and that illuminates and animates the dormant hope that lies within me.
It is things like this week, wherein that hope can come alive fully and completely. God still reigns over Yaletown, over Bar None, over the Vancouver Sun, over me.