I finished my first marathon today!!! I had hoped to run between 4-4.5 hrs. but..... ended up doing it in 5.

I was a tad disappointed in my time but very proud that I completed the entire 26.2 miles.

Running a marathon is both a physical and mental battle. You need to be in pretty good physical shape but the mental battle is quite something. I really had to talk myself through many kilometeres. I would say things like - "how awesome is it going to be when you reach 30 kms, then 35, then 37 and then 40.

At about 28 kms. I was really hurting and had to walk for about 5 minutes. At the 35 km. mark I was just mad at myself and kept yelling at myself to keep going -sometimes out loud.

I crossed the line fairly strong - Felicia got it on video which was pretty cool.

I was soooooo sore after! I had a post-race maddage which helped a lot. I ran into an old friend Rick Smith who runs lots of marathons.

Spent the afternoon recovering.

We head home tomorrow and will post more pics then.



Anonymous said…
way to go... (it was also great your parents could make it as well
Anonymous said…
Did you know that your name is in the Island newspaper Times Colonist? There were many who took 6 hours and over to finish. You should be very proud of your first Marathon. Way to go! Congratulations!
We were so happy to be there and see the big finish. We are enjoying the beautiful weather on the island and going for long walks.

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