In Pain

So we are back in Vancouver now. The soreness is starting to wear off.

The pic on the bottom is me getting ready to go. The pic above is me 5 hours later enjoying a post-race donut.

MMMMMMM - donuts.

What is interesting is how many sugary carbalicous stuff they have post-race: donuts, cookies, jello pudding. I guess our bodies are craving the quick energy rush of sugar and carbs after the race.

I like my pre-race pic - I look all glowy.

Well - I have to say I am hooked. I just ordered a book on how to run a marathon in under 4 hours. I am also planning to do a 10 km. race and a half marathon in the next couple of months. I also hope to do another marathon in the spring.

Tomorrow I'll have to pack a lot of work in. On Thursday and Friday I have full days of meetings at Carey with Church Health and Planting - both for BC and the larger body for western Canada.

I am reading a Maclean's magazine that came out earlier this year with the results of a nation-wide poll. It is quite eye opening and an excellent snap-shot of where our country is at today. I recommend hunting it down either in paper or on the net.

Hey - thanks to Joel, Erin and mom for the props in my last post! Much obliged friends!


ajt said…
woo hoo! way to go. love the pics.
Anonymous said…
You are better than Pegasus, you fleet-footed beast.
John Santic said…
Hi Santosh,

I didn't know you were into running. Since I work across the street from you, maybe we should go for a jaunt through false creek and over a bridge or two sometime during a lunch hour.

It was good getting to know you the other night at the Miroslav Volf lecture.

See you Tuesday, unless we're having our baby.



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