not again

(above - adam holding court in tofino)

There are a few web-sites I check everyday. The Drudge Report is one of them. Drudge covers a wide variety of news events. Imagine my shock when I read the headline of bomb blast in Mumbai. I turned on CNN and watched in horror. I used to live in Mumbai in 2001. I took those same trains and got off at some of the stations where the bombs went off. I still have friends that live there and have been unable to reach them.

This is India's 9/11.

I am now officialy entered in the Victoria Marathon in October. I went for a run today and had the same pain in my left calf as when I was running the half marathon. I now have to see some kind of physical therapist to fix me. That sucks.

Look at the disparity between those 2 scenarios. In Mumbai there is carnage, death and violence. In my little life I whine about some pain in my leg.

We are petty people with our ipods, lattes and designer clothing. I hope people in the 2/3rds world are praying for our spiritual pettiness as we continue this downward spiral into greater and greater superficiality.


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