back home

back home. the weekend was good, but seemed a bit rushed. i'm glad we went. There were a lot of obstacles to getting there. Several people had tumultous weeks. We came close to cancelling it. But now I see why there was so much opposition. we had a break-through on Saturday morning. the Holy Spirit broke through all our pretense and facade. With hearts open raw He came and worked among us. It was awesome.

this weekedn I also read that Willow Creek is ending its Axis ministry to 18-30 yr. olds. This is after 10 years of ministry. Dan Kimball wrote an excelllent piece on why the "church within a church" scenario rarely works because the pasot of the generataionl church continually has to report to a sr. executive of the mother church.

But I do not find that to be a problem at First Baptist. This is largely due to Tom Cowan's flexibility as a leader.He also does not really hold on to things too tightly. He leads with an open fist.

Also last night - Dale drank tea which was actually just hot water and milk - he thought it was some kind of special "retreat tea".


Anonymous said…
lol... retreat tea... that must be like church juice.... the right amount of powder and twice the water.
Santosh said…
i just can't believe he drank the whole thing w.out saying anything - we just noticed it when we went to empty it out.

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