It is hot - too hot. spent most of the day indoors except for an ill advised foray onto a bar patio on granville where my Mojito came to $10.44!!!

Had a coupon to a yaletown clothing store for my b-day so i bought a nice summer shirt. Also Holt Renfrew now has a kids section - hang on - there was a major sale on which put the clothes within our budget. There was this totally ridiculous garish multi-pastel sport jacket. I put adam in it and let him walk around. He looked like a midget retiree in Florida - he just needed the white shoes. I wish I had had a camera but you're probably not allowed to take pictures in that store.

We also happened to find the only friendly clerk in that whole store. Most of the time the people working there are pre-occupied with... nothing instead of helping you.

I taped the Riders game which I am now about to watch.

Go Riders.


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