the future looks like now

I am switching browsers from safari to firefox - the only thing is all my bookmarks are on safari so I'll have to start adding them on to here.

I was in Josh's office today and I was flipping through the latest issue of Relevant magazine. I have never really looked through the print magazine, although I read the on-line version almost daily and have written for them in the past.

I was a bit disappointed - not in the magazine itslef - lots of good articles and nice layout and graphics etc etc. What disappointed me was all the glossy ads for books and conferences for church growth. It looks like emergent has now been commodified.

"Get you emergent church in 5 easy steps!" - at least that's what it felt like.

So like everything else emergent has been sucked into the great American consumerist machine and is a commodity like Coca-Cola and ipods.

Tsk Tsk.

I am sort of holidays now - I have a couple of meetings tomorrow and then that's it for a couple of weeks.



Anonymous said…
Actually, you should be able to import all your settings into Firefox.
nick said…
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nick said…
Yeah, Firefox does a pretty nice job of importing your bookmarks from Safari. After that, I don't knwo if you use multiple computers or not, but the Google broswer sync tool for Firefox is super good: it remembers your bookmarks, history and settings (and even passwords if you want) on a central server and then syncs it with whatever computer yous are currently using. Then go here and get the themes that make Firefox look more Mac-like.

Also, there was an article on Emergent the movement and the church itself in the latest Relevant, coincidentally.

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