Community (again)

Derek has written a good response to my post from yesterday - please check it out.

By now, you will have heard about the tragic shootings at the YWAM base and New Life Church in Colorado.

Does anyone else think it is wierd that there was an armed security guard at the New Life Church? The guard is a hero, as the killer had lots of ammo. and could have killed many more, before he was stopped.

But, I just find it disturbing that a church would have armed security guards. But, I guess as our culture grows more violent, we need to protect all public spaces.

Saw the film "For the Bible tells me so", which is a documentary on how Christian families deal with having a homosexual child. It ended up swinging pretty hard at James Dobson and Focus on the Family.

3 observations of the film:

1. Had some well known Christian homosexual apologists who presented the best defenses for the compatibility of their faith and homosexual behaviour. All the usual liberal defenses are used.

2. Post-modern relativism is exposed. At one point an african american lesbian woman points out that the way she reads the bible will differ from the way a white man would. Citing, socio-ethno and sexual orientation differientions, she is correct that their perspectives will be different. But we do not interpret things based on OUR perspective. We need to look at the context and intent of the author, as well as the recipient recieving the material. This is why contextual and hermeneutical work is so important in biblical studies.

3. The film makes the point that in order to spread propoganda, we need to demonize the "other". They do this in regard to Christian Fundamentalists demonizing homosexuals. But the film maker makes this very error! By the end of the film Focus on the Family is guilty of every gay teenager who has ever committed suicide!

Compelling film - but, like everything else, watch with discernment.


Derek Vreeland said…
I re-read my comments from yesterday's post and maybe I should edit my comments before clicking "Publish Your Comment." My last comment was full of typos...AGHHH...apologies....

I am not surprised that a church the size of New Life has armed security. There is a lot of money involved in offerings at mega-churches. I know a church that draws 3500-4000 every Sunday and their average weekly offering is 80 - 90k.

I would like to carry a handgun on my belt. Not for security, but because it would make me look cool. {insert sarcastic laughter here}

You don't mess with a guy carrying a gun...not that anyone is messing with me now.

Didn't Jesus tell his disciple to take a sword with them? Or was that leave your sword at home?

Santosh said…
Aaaah - to protect the money. I never thought of that.

Hey - what do you think of Mike Huckabee?
Derek Vreeland said…
Mike Huckabee? I have heard people talk about him, but I haven't really formed an opinion. I know that he is an ordained Baptist minister and that he is courting the evangelical vote, but I don't spend much time in the political world. I am far less interested in politics than theology. I think it is good for candidates to be open about their faith if it is important to them.

I also think that evangelicals need to be careful that they are not used for political purposes. I try to be a-political as a pastor. I have made some mistakes in the past and have unknowingly driven people away because I have been too vocal about my political leanings.


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