Water Still Bad

First off - apologies to Asha for the pic. i thought it was quite a nice pic, with the sweep of the beach extending behind her. She thought it was awful, but everyone here thinks its nice.

Today we had Norm and Jeanette over. They are dear friends. I got to know them through their daughter Erin who was in InterVarsity when I worked at the UBC campus back in 96. Wow - 10 years ago!!!! Sheesh, time flies when you're living.

Norm is on the psychology faculty at UBC. He is sort of an expert in career counselling and is now a global consultant for governments, companies and universities. He still carries with him a lot of humility and humour, despite the impressive accomplishments.

Jeanette has been a mentor to me in many ways. She is a very kind, wise woman who I have felt has been a big support to me - kind of a second mom in many ways. Jeanette read scripture at our wedding. She is the pastor of a cool church in Richmond.

Had a nice brunch with them and got caught up in our respective lives. They brought a huge 10 gallon jug of water for us, and a special pump thing. It's so wierd that we can be so grateful for someone bringing us water!!! But, there you go, in a city that is wet most of the year, we still can't drink the water.

Then I met with Spencer and Renee to go over the dedication of their daughter Olivia tomorrow - it's my first child dedication and I'm pretty excited about it! A lot of their family and friends will be there so it should be pretty cool.

My sermon is still chugging along - Almost done, even though it is 9:00 at night!. Should be done soon, then I'll work on the service outline and power-point if I need any.

For the next time you go through a drive-thru: Mcdonald's video, or cut and paste:



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