Milestone for Adam

Adam saw his first movie today - Deep Sea 3D. It's an Imax film with stunning cinematography of life at the bottom of the ocean. Adam was a bit scared when all the lights went off and didn't put his 3D glasses until the end. The movie was only an hour long, so he managed to sit through the whole thing without flipping out. The movie was really cool.

After, I headed to another theatre to see Stranger Then Fiction, starring Will Ferrell. I highly recommend it. Ferrell leaves behind his frat boy antics from previous roles for a subdued everyman whose life is actually the creation of an author. If I have time this week I might try pounding out a review for Relevant Magazine (see links at side).

Read the comment on yesterday's post by Joel. "There's always next year", is sort of a mantra for Rider fans. As we walked out of the stadium we heard it half a dozen fans from other beleagured fans.

I think this puts the nail in Danny Barret's coffin as coach of the Riders. Although a very nice guy in person, he has failed to deliver as a coach. The Riders have been the most sporadic inconsistent team in the CFL under his tenure. I am also shocked when I realize that the last time the Riders won the Cup was in the 80's!!!! Man!!!!

1989 - I remember partying in the bitter cold on 8th street in Saskatoon as people made bonfires in parking lots and drank domestic beer. This festive mood would later degenerate into vandalism as the alcohol infected otherwise sane minds.


Joel M-E said…
you forgot to mention that you were wearing your "43-40" tshirt as you were blogging
Loeppkys said…
Grey Cup 89:
I was at Briercrest Bible College.We all watched the game in the dorm and were celebrating our victory as we entered the Sunday evening service. One of the more Taliban-esque senior students barked at us from the podium to 'get serious' and focus on more heavenly matters..

That concluded our Grey Cup celebration.

nick said…
We saw Stranger Than Fiction too and really liked it. I would be interested in your full review...

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