Everything's Gone Black

Losers - The Riders got kicked bad bad bad. I went to the game with Courtney who had his face painted green.

It was brutal - the Riders never really had it together - The Lion's QB was hot - great arm and some decent runs himself as well.

So anyways, I am still smarting from this humiliation.

A few "lurkers" have left comments or have e-mailed me - so hiya lurkers - nice to hear from ya.

Especially from Julianne - although my sources tell me that mama Broten and Nancy are also faitful readers - so hiya Brotens, haven't seen you in awhile.

Also - Warren reminded me that you need a membership to enter costco, so that solves the homeless coming in for freebies.


Joel M-E said…
It is indeed a sad day for many of your blog readers. I wasn't able to watch the game, but I am kind of glad - it would have hurt.

Just like last year and the year before... the important thing is we have next year.

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