Saskatchewan Weather

I have never seen weather like this in Vancouver before. It has been snowing like crazy and it is actually staying on the ground, instead of melting away. With the wind-chill we are seriously approaching Saskatchewan temps.

We took Adam out to see snow for the first time. He walked around a bit and threw some snow in the air. But didn't seem too impressed.

Saw Casino Royale tonight. It was the best Bond movie I have ever seen - but suffered by being too long - about 2 and a half hours. Some better editing is needed.

Crank up your prayers for me again - I seem to be asking for it a lot lately. I guess that's ok, we all need prayer.


Loeppky family said…
On the bright side of the snow, I heard the boil water advisory is over.

We are covered with tons of white stuff too! It is truly Sask weather here and we have shovelled our driveway numerous times in the past few days. Feels a bit more like Christmast this way I guess.

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