Trick or Treat and Ribit

That is one busy frog.

the article in the Globe and Mail got into Workopolis: I am under the marketting section.

Yep - that's me pedaling the gospel to the marketplace!

so here are the much awaited pictures of adam in his haloween costume. He was pretty much miserable the whole time he was wearing it.


Anonymous said…
I'm anonymous #4 and I'd like to know more about this apple pie business; sounds like you got a good thing going on here. Apple pie is just about my favorite thing there is. Anonymous 1 through 3: we should all make a pie together and invite Santy over for a good 'ol time.
Anonymous said…
that sounds like a fine idea indeed. if you all go with the idea, count me in too. i'm never one to shy away from a good time with santy and apple pie.
Santosh said…
What the heack - who are you people?????
Anonymous said…
you might refer to us as the apple pie gang.
Anonymous said…
Santy, shame on you brother! Anonymous 1 through 4, I can't believe this! How could Santaroo forget the apple pie--it was a seminal event in our lives. Now he's gone and forgotten as though it were nothing. I hope he hasn't forgotten everything else about those times, having cast it all off into the abyss, such sweet incidents and most capital people. That apple pie is our common currency, it's what holds our friendship together.
Anonymous said…
Apple pie! Woot woot! Call the police: the apple pie gang is on the lam.
Santosh said…
Ok ok - I remember now - apple pie from a gas station somewhere in the Mid-Western United States in the middle of the night.

One bite and the rest was spewed on the side of the Inter-State.

It was a bonding experience - as was the cheese covered hash browns at Denny's.
Anonymous said…
santeroo, you tell the story much the same as i might tell how i just ate a hearty breakfast; the enthusiasm is touchingly similar. i'm guessing if you had been in the middle of a nice big piece of apple pie while you were typing that, things would have been different, right?

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