When you run, you run alone

Trying to navigate working form home. Now that I am back to a regular preaching cycle, it might get a bit tough. The problem is my home office has a glass door, so Adam can see me and he bangs on the door and yells until I go pick him up.

So in between the parsing of Hebrew verbs and Old Testament contextual studies I have to pick up my son and hold him, or at least acknowledge his presence. I think I can live with that.

Today he has started saying "Hi man!".

On sunday I am preaching on Genesis 37 - the beginning of the Joseph narrative in scripture. We have entitled the series "G.I.F.G" - God Intends for Good. It is taken from the end of Genesis where Joseph reassures his brothers that God has redeemed their evil actions - God Intended it For Good.

If you are in the Vancouver area join us Saunday nights at 6:30 at 969 Burrard St. downtown. You won't be disappointed - well you might, but don't tell me about it.

More Greg Boyd:

"The Kingdom of God is universal. It is centered on simply loving as God loves. It is centered on people living for the sole purpose of replicating the love of Christ to all people at all times in all places without condition. The kingdom-of-God participant has by love transcended the tribal and nationalistic parameters of whatever version of the kingdom of the world they find themselves in." - 47


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