Good News All Around

Some amazing news last night. I will be making a more publi announcement in the coming weeks. keeping things under wraps for a little bit.

Let me just say - it is quite exciting, thrilling, etc. etc.

God is good and is in control. He is in the shadows of our lives waiting to reveal Himself.

We had home group tonight - only 4 of us, due to the torrential downpour. Vancouver skipped autumn and went straight into winter.

Started Inside Out - looks promising.


Anonymous said…
Oh great! Now I am going to obsess about it all day... Kidding. Just glad your glad, whatever the news.

ajt said…
I concur. You are doing a fantastic job of building suspense. :)

Sorry that I've been 'silent' died and I lost my rss list. Good to finally catch up with you though...AND it seems I've come back into the loop just in time!

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