
Chandy and Adam hanging out.

Went for a 10 mile run today. It was a beautiful day.

Here's the thing - if you e-mail me or call me between Sunday night and Monday night, you will not hear back from me until Tuesday morning, or more likely Tuesday afternoon.

I have decided to unplug on Mondays - no phone and no e-mail. If I have preached on Sunday night, my brain is so fried that I need the next day to fully decompress. I made the mistake of booking a speaking opportunity Monday at noon, followed by a meeting at the church at 1:30.

By the time I got to the meeting at the church I was yawning and spacing out.

I find if I do take the time off on Monday, I am way more effective the rest of the week.

So if you call or e-mail me on monday, I am not ignoring you. I am putting myself back together.

On that note - I had 25 e-mails this afternoon and 5 phone messages, which took up most of my afternoon. Between 4:00 and 7:00 today, I recieved 15 more e-mails. I'm sure if my internet connection was severed at home, I would start to feel like Tom Hanks in Castaway.

Had a great long talk with Dr. Warren. Sounds like life is good and busy in Calgary for the Loeppky's.

Had my relatives from Los Angeles in over the weekend - I love this above picture. It's my uncle Chandy and Adam sharing a moment.

Greg Boyd:

"The kingdom-of-God citizen knows that the world is not going to be fundamentally transformed by the "power over" use of the sword. We know that love, peace and justice will not be experienced on a global scale until the K. of God is permanently established, until human nature is fundamentally destroyed, and until the corrupting influence of demonic powers is finally destroyed. Take it on God's authority if its not already obvious to you: the ultimate hope of the world lies not in human kingdom-of-the-world wisdom, but in the advancement of God's kinfdom and the return of Jesus Christ!" - 56

"Jesus didn't come to give us the Christian answer to the world's many socio-politcal quandries, and he didn't come to usher in a new and improved version of the kingdom of the world. His agenda was far more radical, for he came to redeem the world and overthrow the kingdom of the world by ushering in an alternative kingdom. He came not to give solutions, tweak extrenal regulations and enforce better behaviour. He rather came to transform lives form the inside out by winning people over to the reign of God's sovereign love, thereby rendering the "power over" tactics of the kingdom of the world unnecessary." - 59.


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