when children leave, there is nothing there

i'm bummed - no one gave me an encouraging comment on my last post - where is the love people?

2:31 pm - sitting in the office - finished all the exegetical work on my sermon - gen 29:31-30:24 - leah/rachel have a birthing contest.

listening to a sermon by mark driscoll on this same passage - its ok - he seems like he's really anti-women and has a voice like rush limbaugh's.

beautiful sunshine today.

what can i tell you? life is good and i feel loved.


Anonymous said…
Good blog entry. Keep it up, Pastor!
-Warren "Positive Reinforcement" Loeppky
Santosh said…
Anonymous said…
I voted for you as the Blogger of the day.
nick said…
Hey Santosh, maybe I just haven't got around to the supporting comments yet, there's a lot of blogs out there to keep track of...
Santosh said…
i feel your love
Loeppky family said…
keep up the good blogging santosh! you know i'm your biggest fan!
ReverendKathryn said…
You have a great blog. I have been following since I saw the url at the end of one of your emails. I agree with some one's comment from previous entry, that you shouldn't worry about the things that goes on at the church. True it is hard to put your time into something and see so little fruit for our labor, but that is what ministry is.. We work but God sees the fruit. He has done great work through you and will continue to do so. And the beauty is that God works through us even when we aren't aware.
Keep on with the blogging. Your thoughts inspire.

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