i'm so hollow baby

last night i was slightly discouraged. we normally average 50-60/week at first@night. last sunday we had 30 and this sunday we had 25.

i know i know - some of you will say don't focus on the numbers - easier said then done. numbers do mean something - they don't mean everything but they mean SOMETHING. i don't care if we get big but i do care if we disappear.

on the positive side there were 3 guys who said they would start coming to bible study - that has never happened any sunday before.

last night i talked about love - jacob falling in love w. rachel - so i played a clip from big fat greek wedding and then later the song "goodbye my lover" by james blunt - very very sad break-up song. he conludes the song by singing "i'm so hollow baby" over and over.

interesting point - there are 3 stories in the bible of women coming to draw water from a well. and they all have something to do w. jacob. jacob's mother rebekkah met isaac's servant - jacob met rachel - the samaritan woman and jesus met at a well named "jacob's well".

the women all came to draw water but were drawn into love. people come into our lives for different reasons - we need to draw them into god's love for them.

"The church is a single subject w. Christ not only synchronically, at every temporal point, but also in its totality diachronically throughout the entirety of history. It has always remianed a subject identical w. itself, a statement which is theological, not historical. This is why the church bridges the hermeneutical chasm seperating today from yesterday." - Volf, 50. After Our Likeness.

someone out there encourage me.


nick said…
Santosh, you have a great blog that is always very honest and gives such a great view into your life and the amazing and not-so-amazing things you are doing. Someone will say something about you, and I'll be like "Hey yeah, I read that in his blog just the other day" or "But did you hear this, I just read that..." and its like I actually keep in touch with you. Keep on pressing on, don't fret too much about the future of your church, you still have some months ahead of you to get good stuff done, and keep blogging because you are good at it.

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