how does this make my life better?

i have a spine that is twisted and a wacked out hip. consequently, i went to see a physiotherapist specialist today. he asked me to touch my toes, i couldn't. he said - you'll be able to do that later today. i thought - so what.

he made me do all of these stretches and then he started to twist me like a pretzel. after 40 minutes i could touch my toes. the physio was very happy - had a large grin on his face and told me - i told you, i'd be able to get you to touch your toes.

then i started to think - so what? how does this make my life better? before i could not touch my toes - now i could. how does this make my life better? what have i achieved? why does this bring my physio so much satisfaction?

i'm starting to think that the next time i go i'm going to touch my toes at the beginning and then after he does his shenanigans i will pretend to NOT be able to touch my toes - that should crush his spirit for a few hours.

worked on sermon - jacob had 2 women. - gen 29


Anonymous said…
LOL! After a really day night, I needed that. Thanks!

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