jacob's ladder

god tells jacob i will be with you, i will protect you.

jacob is running away from the wrath of his brother esau who has defrauded of his blessing. it amazes me that the first thing god says to jacob are words of protection and assurance, instead of judgement and condemnation. jacob knows he was wrong - he doesn't need to be reminded of it.

also - i've decided that if i ever have to fight terrorism it will not be in a jack bauer way, more in a edgar stiles kind of way - by furiosly typing on a keyboard while eating dortitos.

still sore from my run from 2 days ago!


Loeppky family said…
Edgar Stiles is so annoying! However, not everyone can be a renegade like Jack Bauer.

I'm in Vancouver this coming weekend to see Amy. Give her a call if you want to hang out with us!

Anonymous said…
i would prefer to fight terrorism like chloe - constantly frowning and making offensive unneeded remarks but always in the loop because of my brilliant computer skills - despite my personality disorder...

Santosh said…
lol! what's amy's phone # - e-mail it to me rather then posting it here for the world to see.

i can't wait until they;re desperate and they have to put edgar in the field - jack can catch the bad guys and edgar can sit on them until they talk.

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