the message

breaking up the fallow ground.

another bright sunny day in vancouver - such a nice treat from the usual grey pounding rain. the people here are complaining about the cold! bone chilling -5!!! my parents are freezing in -30 regina. vancouver people are wimps.

good leadership meeting last night - although not everyone could come. still it was encouraging.

i probably mentioned before that i am reading "emerging churches" by bolger and gibbs. this is a fantastic book. what is amazing to me is that things that characterize emergent churches are all things that we have been doing at first@night. that shows me that we are in sync with what the Spirit is doing around the world.

i've also been feeling all week that we are on the verge of something breaking in vancoouver. we've seen little flashes of it here and there but there is a breakthrough coming.

day off today!!!

brunch at milestones w. the fam
pick up a video
pick up starbucks
read at home
go see the foreign film cache
come home
work out
out for dinner compliments of some extra $$$ felicia got from work
home for video

and that is a good day (i'll post tonight as to what actually happened)

8:00 pm - the day so far

brunch w. family
put up posters at the roundhouse, urban fare and starbucks for next sunday's first@night w. freed slave mercy speaking
pick up video
pick up starbucks
home to read
out for film
stay out - have a couple pints and read "emerging churches"
get watch battery replaced
out for dinner - first choice is packed - 2nd choice - thai food w. waiter who never brings us our drinks
now - home - waiting ofr boy to sleep and then a video

so - sometimes the best laid plans of mice and men "gang oft astay" (often go astray)


Anonymous said…
Santy, I was just perusing your blog. We never see each other anymore, nonetheless, let me remark that you are a most resplendent dude. Never forget the pie story at the Mobil 76 gas station somewhere on the way home from U2 in Minneapolis. Never. PS. recommend me a read
Santosh said…
the pie story - wow - that was a buried memory - lemmee see - the pie had been sitting in that gas station since probably the joshua tree tour - the guy gave it to us for filling up gas - you tried to eat it and then ended up tossing it somewhere over the american mid-west.

read - tippingpoint - malcolm gladwell
after our likeness - miroslov volf
emerging churches - gibbs/bolger

any of those books should be stimulating. where are you now?
Anonymous said…
I'm in Costa Rica teaching literature at an American international high school. Have been here since September and will be done in June. And then I don't know where I'll be. I know you like James Blunt. Well here are to recommendations (from Ireland) that I like even more. They aren't easy CD's to find but they are resplendent. 1) The Prayer Boat (no, not a Christian band); and 2) and Emmett Tinley. The Prayer Boat broke up and Tinley, their lead singer, went solo. good stuff that I could see you liking.
Santosh said…
matt - do you know where the capenwray school is in costa rics is? my cousin and her husband teach there.
Anonymous said…
Santy, I've heard of the school and I remember your dad telling me about them, but I don't have a clue where it is. It's probably near San Jose somewhere which means it's pretty close to me.

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