chhh changes

what a difference a day can mmake. monday night and all day tuesday i was totally down about a bunch of things that were pressing in on me.

and then today i talked with someone that i had felt really hurt by. she apologized to me and i to her and we had an awesome time of prayer and reconciliation. god is so good. i know for sure now that these last couple of days have been days of attack. i felt so awesome as i walked home from the church this evening.

funny story - i went to see my physiotherapist today. he's fixing my screwed up back. he gives you these shorts to wear so you can do the stretching. the last thing he did was he hooked me up to this machine that gives you a massage. it was so nice and relaxing that i fell asleep. then i got up and got changed.

later when i went to use the washroom at work, i looked down and noticed i was STILL WEARING THE SHORTS!!! i wondered why i was feeling fatter. well, the ladies in the office had a good laugh at my expense. and then i had to go back to the physio to return the shorts.

this was a funny funny day.

worked out stuff for sunday night. can anyone out there play piano or guitar for us this coming sunday night? i have a singer - just no musician.

next time remember to lose your shorts.


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