stayed home w. the boy this morning as felicia slept after working a night shift. went into the office and took josh (the youth pastor) out for lunch for his b-day. fatburger!!! yay! i missed the grease.

came back and did some more sunday prep as well as prepping for the 2 weeks that i will be away in march. i'm getting pretty excited about my upcoming travels - calgary for a couple of days, then 2 weeks in the U.K. with church health and planting.

had a good w.out this afternoon.

btw - i have discovered podcasts. i subscribe to 4: mosaic - erwin mcmanus, imago dei - rick mckinley, ravi zacharias and ricky gervais. the gervais one is over now. it is such a convenient way to get excellent sermons. that's what i listen to when i do cardio.

so if you have an ipod or itunes i highly recommend it.

"not bad, i guess." - felicia.


Loeppky family said…
what's the quote from felicia about?

looking forward to seeing you in calgary!
Santosh said…
i'm not sure - she was talking to me while i was writing this post. i heard her say that and then just put it in.

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