Tourists and other aliens

Tourist season has descended on Vancouver. It will last untl the rain beings (Octoberish). I get a kick out of these groups of shorts wearing, camera toting folks following their little downtown maps like divining rods. Americans are the best - they are just SO loud.

It's like they have to announce everything to everyone. We went out for dinner last night at a restaurant in chinatown - a whole pack of americans sat next to us and conversation was no longer possible at our table. One guy was sitting so close to me that we actually moved our table over.

Ah-tourists - they help our economy and entertain us as well. I like playing the role of tourist in other cities and wonder if I am as entertaining to them.

Strolled through gastown with Flea and Adam. Also cooked dinner tonight - I made an awesome Salmon baked in garlic, olive oil, butter, paprika, lemon juice, red chilies, basil and rosemary - also made broccoli and tomatoes. - yum yum.

Tomorrow I'm going to Regent ot see if I can meet with one of my profs.

"I am a deeply superficial person." - Andy Warhol


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