New #1

The greatest new thing with Adam is his crawling. but the absolute best thing is when he spots you, smiles and then starts to crawl towards you. It probably sounds cheesy but it is really hard to encasulate how that feels. Just incredible.

What does life consist of? It consists of getting up, going to work, coming home, having dinner, playing with your kids and going to sleep. That's why a guy living in a hut in Africa can be as fulfilled as a rich suburbanite living in middle America.

I can't decide which new cd to buy - the new white stripes or the new bruce springsteen. any suggestions out there?


blueyedtracy said…
I have not heard either, so I can't help you out. I really enjoyed your article on Billy Grahm at Relevant. His humility - that really is what it's all about with him. Not many leaders have much of it these days. God bless.
Anonymous said…
The new White Stripes album is great.

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