
Today is the 2 yr. anniversery of the death of my brother in law, Oliver Tham. Oliver died in a canoeing accident in northern British Columbia. His body was never found. Without a doubt this is a difficult day for Felicia and her parents as they ponder his loss today. Felicia declared this morning that she wanted to do something fun. This turned into Adam's first bike ride - we rented bikes and a bike seat for Adam so he could experience the thril of biking the sea wall.

20 minutes into the ride he fell asleep. So we pulled over to let him rest. When a little kid is sleeping on a bike seat he looks like his head will fall off at any moment - scary and funny at the same time. We rented the bikes from the store where I bought my bike and I get all my repairs. I used to know a couple of the guys that worked there but they have moved on. We had to deal with this total jerk who was so uncooperative and unfriendly. There were some people waiting outside and another employee asked him if he should help them. He actually said, "nah - let them wait."

Anyways we went for a nice ride. We didn't have time to pick up some luncheon meats so we ate lettuce and mayo sandwiches - yum yum! The ride was quite fun and I think it took Felicia's mind off the loss of her brother. After our ride it was time for Adam's first hair-cut!

The top hair stylist in the city comes to our bible study and is a very good friend - she offers to cut our hair from time to time for free and offered to cut Adam's. so little Adam got his hair-cut at the hippest salon in all of Vancouver by the top stylist! I was thinking of the pictures of me in India getting my first hair-cut. It was outside on the road and it was cut by a guy who I am pretty sure was missing a couple of fingers.

I'd love to say Adam had a great time but he screamed his head off through the whole thing and generally looked miserable. But we soldiered on and he looks quite handsome now. If i knew how to post pics on this thing I would.

DVD Report - We have started in on the first season of 24, which may be the most addicting tv show ever. We are going to rent a new tape (4 episodes) every monday night. Felicia wants to rent 2 videos but that would mean watching 8 hrs. of tv, which I am pretty sure would mean Adam would be placed in protective services and Felicia and I would both be institutionalized.

I'm trying to come up with a catch-phrase for signing out. Here's my first attempt:

Haaaaave a good one!


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