Father's Day - Perfect Day

Yesterday was my first Father's Day and it was pretty great. Church was good - good sermon, saw lots of friends.
-went to my favourite new restaurant: Fatburger!
-took a very long walk around the Seawall back home - this city is so beautiful
-stopped at Starbucks for coffee - Felicia and Adam wnet home and I stayed and did some reading
-came home and then we all went swimming!
-had supper
-picked up some milk-shakes for desert

All in all quite a nice time. Our friends had a baby girl on Thursday - she looks quite cute in the pictures. We are going to see her on Wednesday.

Was in a conference in Surrey today. I went with 2 other pastors and another intern - I was supossed to give directions and got us hopelessly lost - I felt like such a dummy. The conference was good - it was about what it means to be a missional church.

Came home and went for a walk but it was quite hot, so we came back and went for a swim. Another family that lives on our floor were there with their 2 yr. old twins - it was fun.

I am finishing up the book "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby. I've read it before and it is quite good - very helpful in helping you discern God's will.

Also saw an excellent video on Saturday called "Le Chorise" - it is a french film about a teacher who teaches in a school filled with difficult kids, but through his love and care for them, helps them see their potential - it was really well done.

Peace out.


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