the dogs of summer have come home to roost

Ha - what a title! sucked you in, didn't i? So anyways, I had the boy this morning while Felicia went to a mom's group at church. We're strolling around downtown when the left back wheel comes off. Now this is abou the 5th time this has happened. And for some reason this time it is the wheel that break's Santosh's back. I lose it and let out a string of expletives - thank goodness the boy was asleep. I half carry and half roll the defective piece of crap back to the church. I drop Adam off at the day-care and walk/carry the thing back home, drive back to the church, wait for felicia to come out. When she does I announce that we are buying a new stroller and are going to spend up to $700. (Our previous one was $300 and included a carrier and a car seat). But money did not matter anymore - I had had it with this piece of crap and wanted the best stroller we could get.

So after grabbing some fatburgers we went on a mad dash on a quest for the best stroller in the world. Our first stop was the most expensive children's store in Vancouver - Crocodile. The jogging stroller that they had was $589 - perfect, I thought! Felicia said we'd think about it. We went to two more stores and saw 2 more strollers. Finally we headed home, still with no stroller. I did some research on the web and found one that was supossed to be very good for $389 at MEC. So tomorrow I'm going to pick it up. This whole episode show me how Felicia and I are so differnet when it come sto spending money. I was willing to buy the very first stroller we saw because the lady at the store said it was the best. Felicia is much wiser and has more patience - her wating saved us $200!

I also got my haircut by some nice Chinese girl. I go to this cheap place because I honestly can not tell the difference betwen a $40 haircut and a $15 one.

Went to a dinner for a men's minstry at our church. Really good testimonies and David Bentall spoke - Bentall is a prominent name in Vancouver - they built 5 or 6 of the tallest buildings donwtown. David was the president of a couple of their companies.

Then tonight at 10:45 I got a call from a distraught guy from our church - his wife was on staff and was just let go on Tuesday - they are both quite upset. There were some odd rumours circulating about her and I guess it was too much for the rest of the staff to handle so they fired her. This guy was just flipping out over the phone. He and his wife actually live in a house that is owned by the church and they have to move out in 3 months. I wasn't sure how to counsel him. I only know one side of the story but I am meeting with someone else on Monday who may know things from a bit of a different angle.

Church life can be wierd sometimes. people can be just as hurt in the church as outside the church. This incident reminds me that we the church is a community of forgiven sinners - we are still sinners and still have the capacity to wound others. And we will wound others and others will wound us. This new community that we are a part of is far from perfect and never will be until Christ returns.

It's hard to live.


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