the truth

Checking each other out.

Had a good service last night. God is really leading us down a path of social justice. Some of us went to an end homelessness rally at the Olympic downtown clock this afternoon.

The coolest thing at the rally was how many people I knew - some of the key leaders in the Christian social justice movement in Vancouver are old old friends, which is oh so cool. Al, Mike, Dave and many others are getting it done in Vancouver!

It was really great connecting with all of them. I am by no means a leader, in terms of social justice in the city of Vancouver. God, has wisely put that burden on much more capable women and men. But, it is very blessed to be connected with these choice folks.

The truth - Had a couple of interesting conversations today with two different godly women who will remain unnamed. The result was, I realize that my family and I, are right where God wants us to be. In the past 3 years, I have had 3 different offers from 3 different well established churches to join their staff. All have been tempting in different ways - but after prayer with Felicia, we both feel rooted to where we are - the hard soil of Yaletown, downtown Vancouver.

And, it has been tough - so little fruit after so many years, and so much time. Nothing but the conviction, that this is where God has called us to be faithful servants of His.... and that is enough.

More on the Film Festival party tomorrow night... stay tuned brothers and sisters.


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