Rev.'s and Belugas

I've been sort of absent from Adam's life for the past couple of weeks, so I decided to spend most of Monday with him.

We started off by going to his favorite place in the whole world: the Vancouver Aquarium. I decided to take the bus, due to a new internal rule I have - I have decided to take the car only if I absolutely have to. For Vancouver, Burnaby, New West, Richmond and North Van, I will try to take the bus. Every place else I can drive.

The aquarium is in Stanley Park and is easily accessible by transit. What was funny was that there were 2 other young pastors from different churches also there with their families. Randy Hamm of Tenth Ave. Church and Albert Chu of the Tapestry. It was pastor's day at the Aquarium!

After the fish, we went shopping and didn't buy anything. We had lunch and came home. A few hours later I took him for a run in the joggin stroller - it was an inceredibly beautiful fall day - sunshine!

Then we had a few friends over for Thanksgiving dinner which is always nice.


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