Subject Matter

Leela enjoying Sophia.

Beautiful day today! Gorgeous sunshine - no clouds - no rain!

Enjoy it Vancouver - rains are a-coming!

Festival continues to roll along. I'm going to see this film in about an hour. It is somehow linked in with Bono's One organization - I think it is a Christian organization - the name is Agape. Should be good.

So far I have driven 3 directors - from Spain, the Philipines and France - all really nice guys, w. interesting films showing. The filipino director was at Cannes this year, w. his film - he was one of 24 diectors selected to take part in a special workshop - cool.

Naked - I wrote an article for Christian Week about a month ago about sexual addiction - about my own battle, and the problem of internet porn among pastors. After writing the article, I forgot about it - until I recieved 5 copies of the paper in the mail yesterday. I read the article and felt so exposed and vulnerable! My sex addiction is no secret - I did a seminar at Regent with a psychologist about it. But there was something about seeing it in print, which just made me shudder.

Oh well - isn't this the way its supposed to be in the kingdom? no secrets, no masks - being real?


Anonymous said…
hi santosh!

thanks so much for allowing that article to happen. i just read it this morning (blearily) over breakfast.

i am a psychiatrist and therapist who also struggles with sexual addiction. went thru the "living waters" program at our church two years ago and have got "covenant eyes" on my computers.

gave the sermon in church last sunday on "despair and intimacy with christ", a lot of which has come from my struggles and what leaving it uncovers in my life.

so, thanks for being "naked". in the end, that's what jesus wants us to be with Him as our protection.

i am open to a continued conversation if you have the time and inclination. i'm also on facebook. i at least intend to continue to enjoy your blog!

stewart wakeman

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