Grey and Greyer

So the days are getting darker -I'm thinking of investing in one of those SAD lamps - I don't really get depressed during the dark days of winter - just super tired all the time.

Had an interesting afternoon - Been slowly revolving around a couple of social justice groups in the city: Faith Communities called to solidarity w. the poor and Streams of Justice.

So today (now yesterday - I'm writing this on Sunday night now), there was a meeting at 10th Ave. church run by "faith groups in solidarity w. the poor". Some sharing from the homeless, along w. a few key social justice leaders in the city. It was very inspiring.

I headed down to the homeless squat, which was kinda cool. I took Adam, as we were walking through the squat, he kept saying, "But, they're so poor!" Obviously his mom had discussed with him, about what he was about to see.

On the topic of Adam, I am proud to say that the little fella is now completely potty trained!!! Good boy! He is so advanced tht he can even place his little potty on top of the toilet, and move his step stool, and do the whole action on his own! I am one proud papa.

Had another nice service tonight. I spoke about how the Trinity exists as a community - the consequences are that we are born out of that community, and were created for that community. Kudo's to Darrel Johnson's helpful book, "Experiencing the Trinity", which helped me a lot.


Joel M-E said…
I am looking forward to the day our #2 is potty trained - so we currently have two in diapers.... and she just can't be bribed with smarties.
Derek Vreeland said…
Johnson's book Experiencing the Trinity stays on the shelf above my desk in my office. Such a wonderful introduction into Trinitarian life. I have recommended it to many friends.

Blessings during the dark days of winter!


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