Flying High 2

I left the apt. at about 3 this afternoon to pick up a Starbucks and run some errands.

I ran into this young person outside our building. Brandon was walking out into the street. (see below- that is our apt. building right across the street at the beginning of the video).

With visions of the good Samaritan running through my head, I called 911, and told them what was happening. Then I got Brandon -(I honestly could not tell if he was a guy or a girl -I'll call him a he) to sit down with me, so he wouldn't be walking into traffic.

His eyes were half closed, but I did manage to talk with him a bit.

The amulance showed up, and they waited for a police cruiser to help them. I went to do my stuff and when I got back I saw them helping him into the ambulance.

Pray for this troubled young man. What a sad reminder of what happens when we feed the flesh and starve the spirit.

It was a real reality check for me, who lives such a comfortable life.


Anonymous said…
Good work!
Anonymous said…
I dont think Brandon would like that video..please delete it.

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