Where is my Nathan?

David and Bathsheba, by Ernest Fuchs

I read the story of David's sin with Bathsheba today, and all the fall-out that followed. What an amazing story. I remember a long time ago hearing the philosopher Alvin Plantinga speak. I forget what he was talking about, but at one point he referenced this story and said that Nathan's response to David - You are the man! - is one of the most shocking lines in all of literature.

Here are some observations:

  • David's initial sin was not adultery. It was not even lust - his first sin was the vanquishing of his calling. He was the king, but he was not involved in the battle that his army was fighting - he was strolling on a roof instead. He was in the wrong place at the wrong time, and it was his fault.
  • Nathan entered into the story, sent by God to bring David face to face with his sin. I'm sure David knew he had sinned, but without anyone calling him on it, he was able to keep it buried in the recesses of his mind and soul. Nathan comes and forces the sin out into the open. These days I think God still sends Nathans, but it is often the nagging of conscience, or the sharp words of scripture, and sometimes it is a real life human being that comes and speaks the difficult words into our lives.
  • David's initial sin destroyed his family - just read the story, incest, murder, it all flows from the initial black deed.


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