
Tonight we had all my fellow TESL students over for a pot-luck. It was pretty fun. One of the fellow students was actually hired by the college to teach for July and August! Lucky guy!

I am pretty excited - next week I am attending the Allelon Summer Institute at Carey College next week. The web-site contains the following info:

Who is this for?

The Summer Institute is for church leaders who want to both understand and develop skills in forming and leading mission-shaped local churches. Its focus will be on providing frameworks and resources for church leaders wanting to innovate missional life in the neighborhoods and communities where their people live and work.The Summer Institute is an opportunity to network with other leaders in the area asking similar questions. It will be this networking and the partnership that emerges, that provide the ways of sustaining and resourcing one another in this journey. Pastors, church-planters, leadership teams and denominational leaders will be given concrete tools and resources to create environments of missional change.

What will take place?

There will be three tracks to choose from during this event:

  1. Missional Leadership with Alan Roxburgh
  2. The Forgotten Ways: Developing Apostolic Imagination and Practice for Missional Movements in the West with Alan Hirsh
  3. Missional Church with Cam Roxburgh

Plenary Sessions: Daily plenary sessions will feature main addresses from event on themes of missional leadership and ministry in a postmodern context.

What will you take away?
  • Practical skills connecting missional theology with the messy realities of leadership.
  • Processes for discerning how to cultivate missional life among a people.
  • Participation in a network of leaders across the country who share the same questions around practical ways of developing missional church in the local context.
  • Access to Allelon's resource and training materials
I am reading Allan Roxburgh's book "The Missional Leader" right now. It is pretty good, but I find it is quite repetitive in its writing style. What I mean is that a whole paragraph is usually the same thought re-phrased in 5 different ways. But the material is excellent - it is written for people who are in traditional "attractional" churches that are trying to make the shift to becoming missional. I hope to have my bike up and going, so I can bike to UBC for the sessions.

Why is it that whenever Heat is on tv, I have to watch it?


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