Allelon Day 1

I am going to be live-blogging from the Allelon Summer Institute.

This morning there was a problem getting on-line. Alan Roxburgh set the context (historically and sociologically) for the missional church in North America right now.

1:19 - Alan Hirsch just got up to speak. He is introducing his talk, entitled "From Static Institutions to Dynamic Movements".

2:09 - I am digesting my food which is making it harder to concentrate - luckily Alan has good power-points, which makes note taking easy. He has given an excellent presentation on how the Western Church can not become totally obsolete!

2:30 - Break - Time to get re-fuelled with caffeine and sugar. The Starbucks at VST was closed!!! I came back and had Kool-Aid.

3:00 - Group Discussion - my group is Scott from Calgary, Jay from Surrey, Lorraine from Kelowna and Bryan from rural Alberta. Good group - good discussion.

3:30 - Large group discussion - hosed by Alan R. Getting to the questions underneath the questions. Could get sticky!

I am thrilled that these conversations on ecclesial change are taking place - I think it is busting up some paradigms of some folks - but I think we have people who are already missional converts (or at least on the edge) - How do we broaden this message to those stuck in the institutional/attractional model?

5:00 - Head to the bookstore with Scott. I picked up Mere Christianity for a friend.

6:00 - Have dinner with Alan Hirsch and a few others. Get to hear a bit more about Alan's story. If it works out i'm going to take him around downtown Wednesday night - he is interested in seeing the downtown east-side, as they have ministered among similar marginalized people in the past.

9:00 - Get home - Veg out with Felicia and Sophia on the bed.

These meetings are very helpful for church leaders to grapple with the changing ecclesiology that post-modernity has thrust upon us.


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