sick and sicker

still feel congested - still have the earache - things are notlooking up for me.

now the boy is sick too - he has a faver - poor little guy.

looks like its going to be sad days around here until we're all healthy again.

hope i'm at least better by monday when my class starts.

bought some clothes at the gap - they were having this good sale - i saved $125 on jeans and a nice shirt.

i went to holt renfrew to try on some edun jeans - the kind designed by bono and his wife - they didn't fit - they are regular 260 but were on sale for 140 - the clothes there are ludcriously expensive - a hoody for 250!!!, a t-shirt for 75

i always buy all my clothes on sale - i never pay full price.

be frugal my friends


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