Film Class 4
I never saw this film because I heard it was a musical. Now, after seeing it, I wish I had seen it in the theater – it was so dazzling in music and colour. I felt the plot was pretty mundane – not much originality there. Also there was not much character development. But the atmosphere – setting makes up for all that. The Moulin Rouge becomes a character in its own way.
The major theme is that love and accepting love are the most imp. things in life. I also felt there was another message of consumerism and profit at the expense of human welfare – the show must go on, even at the expense of human life – sacrificing Satine’s health for the production of the musical.
How to spend $20 w.out really trying:
$3 - Latte - starbucks
$3 garden salad - restaurant
$7 - printer cartridge
$6 - video rental
the other $1 must have evaporated.
that sucks - i hate having less money then before.
Felicia babysat this 4 mth. old girl - it was funny watching Adam and her interacting. He wasn't really paying much attention to her.