Latest scare

So Adam wakes up with a high fever and now he's shaking. This makes mom and dad quite jumpy. So the decision is made to take him to the hospital to get checked out. The initial exam went quite fast but then we had to wait for the little guy to pee so they could test his urine.

Adam did not pee for 2 hours!!!! It was so boring - I fell asleep on the hospital cot. We were there from 6-9 this morning. Everything is fine. He has a virus which should go away in a couple of days. I too have a virus which I hope will go away in a few days.

Heard Darrel Johnson preach this morning at tenth ave. alliance - that guy is unreal. He is my favourite preacher in the whole world. I was so pumped up after.

Tonight I went to a lecture at Granville Chapel. it was ok. I'm on a panel which will respond to the speaker next week - that should be cool.

see you later


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