the embers of eden

9:00 AM - sitting at my desk in my home office overlooking the area of yaletown in downtown vancouver, listening to bruce cockburn sing:

"and the cold rain outside, and i can not scrape this dream off of my eyes, and the EMBERS OF EDEN burn, you can even see it from space, and the grey and winding wall between us seems to copy the lines of your face...."

i woke up last night at 3:30 AM with a piercing ear ache - i've never had such a piercing pain in my head before. it was like someone was driving an ice pick deeper and deepr into my left ear. it doesn't hurt as much now but i think i'll still get it checked out.

trying to brainstorm some new articles to start writing on.

how's this - bob geldof has the storngest prophetic voice in the world today and is being used by God to bring justice to the imbalance of this world

the first screening of my film class is today - its a film called the decalogue - no clue what its about.

"we will all go places we have never been before if only in our dreams." - SN


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