Stuff White People Like

Guess What? You're free... now find another acting job.

If you haven't discovered this web-site, you really need to. It always cracks me up. It should be actually Stuff yuppies like - I know many Asians that like the stuff listed on this site.

The one on Hummus today was awesome:

Is anyone else watching Heroes this season? I have totally given up trying to follow this convoluted show which seems to be making less sense every week.

Also - Prison Break, which should really be renamed "A Bunch of Random Guys Try to Figure out Something About a Powerful Company While The Company Is Trying To Kill Them".
Look - they got out of prison in the first season!!! The show was over back them. Now, they're just trying to milk it for what it's worth.

Good thing Cops and Intervention are still on.


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