I'm Not Cool

Felicia received a bonus check from work, after she quit her full time line. It was an accumulation of all her unbanked vacation days. So, because she's so nice, she said we could go clothes shopping. She felt she needed more dressy clothes for Sunday mornings as the pastor's wife and all.

So, I was pretty excited. An excursion to a suburban shopping mall really gets my heart pumping. After a healthy meal of Arby's roast beef, we ventured on.

And here's the thing.... clothes are really different now. I wanted a sort of casual button up shirt - either white or grey. I thought Gap was my best bet. But, it appeared a small explosion had blown up at the back of the store - there were shirts helter skelter. The overly zealous manager looked for an oxford button down, but came up empty handed. He tried to sell me a pink one - I gripped the stroller a little tighter in an effort to assert my heterosexuality.

All I got at the Gap was a white t-shirt - wow.

Then I went to 4 more stores: Mantique, Guess, Buffalo and H&M and... all the designs are weird. They are all odd graphics and sloppy designs. I am not hip enough for these threads. I need just normal looking sweaters and shirts - not an image of a big bird or something.

Also - I'm thinking of switching to type-pad: any thoughts from other bloggers on making the switch?


Jeff Logan said…
Be glad that you know your age-appropriate" level of dress. Just as it is not cool for play-school kids to be dressing like they are 20 year olds getting ready to cruise the club scene it is equally uncool for those of us advancing in our years to be dressing like we are getting ready for a freshman english class! I applaud your ability to walk away from the garrish quasi-retro shirt with 'grunge vector graphics' overlaid on out of focus stripes. Like the much-maligned comb-over the "old guy in a young guy shirt" look ain't fooling anyone.

Although to be honest you may be able to pull it off...my wife did mention I should try to 'dress a little cooler like Santosh does' when we were at the Banff Conference last year.
Santosh said…
The only coolness I have is my penchant for hoodies, which is what your wife might be referring to. Nice to hear from you - Are you MCing Banff again? Man, that is one thing I am going to miss from the CBWC - the Banff Springs!!!

Enjoy it for me.

Do you have skype? We should chat sometime.
Jeff Logan said…
IIRC the reference was actually to a sweater/collared shirt combo with the sleeves rolled up. I don't think we are going to be going to the conference this year. Its too bad because I would like to hear Mark Buchanan speak having met him several times and reading some of his books and supporting a BU guy. We're not MCing - I guess my reference to li'l John and Crunk music will be my Jackie Mason on Ed Sullivan moment - forever defining my fading comedy career.
Actually I don't know much about what's happening at Banff but I want to finish up some education and so I am going to focus my education/conference dollars on academia for the next few years. I know I'll miss it - we may go up for a day or something.

I don't have skype, but maybe should do that.
Anonymous said…
As you know, I use Typepad... it's the easiest, most user-friendly thing I've ever done on the internet. The only thing you have to think about is whether or not you want to start paying for your blog... Typepad is cheap, but not free like Blogger. But it's fun to use, easy to customize, and can look rather professional too.

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