
The above picture is a typical picture of me at work. This is my home office, which is quite nice, although lacking the stellar view from our downtown apartment. I have a window to the left, where I see maybe 3-4 people strolling by, and a few SUV's driven by hockey moms who themselves seem to be driven by something else entirely. I often dress like this as well - a t-shirt and shorts or jeans. Unless I have a meeting, then I'll spruce things up with a collared shirt and socks!

3 AM - Can't sleep. Awoken by a disturbing dream where I become best friends with the mom from the series "Little People in Big World" or whatever that show is called about 2 little people and their kids living on a farm in Oregon. The dad got busted for a DUI last year, which is more than scary.

More thoughts on Palin: Gawker magazine is running daily clips of Palin's interviews with Katie Couric. Here's the thing: Palin seems completely incapable of being able to answer direct questions when asked.

Example: What specific magazines and newspapers do you read that have informed your world-view:
Palin: "All of them. Anyone that is put in front of me."
Which I guess, the 4 yr. old copy of US News and World Report at her dentist's office is as relevant as the today's copy of the International Herald Tribune.

I won't let Obama baby off the hook either - He stumbled along in his debate with McCain last week. The great orator didn't seem so great when he doesn't have his carefully crafted speeches in front of him.

Also, did anyone see Biden asking the guy in the wheel-chair to stand up? Ouch!

I mentioned before that my friend Derek wrote a book Check it out here. And buy it. But his publishing success has lit a tiny flame inside of me, that I should seriously consider embarking on writing something as well.

The first challenge is motive - Am I writing for me, for the body, for the glory of God, for the expansion of the Kingdom? Right now it seems to be more of the first motive, which is nto a great motive to be writing out of.

The second challenge is: what do I write? I have had articles published in Relevant, Canadian Christianity and a couple of Seminary journals. They have all been about personal things I have dealt with: birth, death, etc.

I'm too young to write a memoir. Maybe I could write something in the "Blue Like Jazz" vein, but maybe more from the perspective of a Gen X pastor stumbling through life, upheld by grace. Hmmmm.... sounds promsing. Will look into it.


Anonymous said…
You're never too young to write a memoir. Imagine what a young Jesus would have had to say... or Drew Barrymore.

Maybe a memoir of Urban Sanctuary? I'm sure a lot of people would get something out of that...

peace, c.

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