
This Sunday I am preaching on Exodus 2:15b-4. The passage includes the following text which I need to figure out a way to interpret and apply to life in 2008:

24 At a lodging place on the way, the LORD met Moses and was about to kill him. 25 But Zipporah took a flint knife, cut off her son's foreskin and touched Moses' feet with it. "Surely you are a bridegroom of blood to me," she said. 26 So the LORD let him alone. (At that time she said "bridegroom of blood," referring to circumcision.)

Pray for me.


Anonymous said…
Perhaps when you get to that passage you should just mumble through it quickly and go to the next part.

Besides, there are other passages in the Bible that aren't really applicable (to non-vegetarian Christians anyway), like not eating pork, etc. So I think it's okay to have a short passage or two that may not have direct application in contemporary life.

All the same, good luck! I don't envy you this task one bit.

peace, c.
Santosh said…
Yeahhhhh - its a toughie - probably one of the top 3 most difficult passages to interpret in the Bible.

Are you going to see Religulous? I'm going with some guys from my church.
nick said…
So how did it go? Did you show clips from Meet the Parents or Seinfeld or something?

As for Religulous, this is a well done review: http://stillsearching.wordpress.com/2008/10/04/religulous-outrageously-innocuous/
Anonymous said…
I'm sure at some point I'll see Religulous, just like at some point I see EVERY MOVIE EVER MADE...

It's a tough life.

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